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How To Write A Great Short Sale Hardship Letter

Dear Blog Readers,

First of all… Thanks for being here to read this!  I hope this truly helps you out, and if you believe the content below is either terrible or great, I’d truly appreciate any feedback.  The only way I can serve you is by your feedback, so I’d like to thank you in advance because, you truly ROCK!

Let’s dig right into the subject of this blog post.  A short sale hardship letter can be very tricky if not written in the correct way.  A bad hardship letter could play a pivotal, but highly crucial role in many deciding factors with a short sale denial or approval.  Let’s be honest here, a hardship letter won’t be the main component to a denial, however, like previously stated it does a significant role in decision making.  Let’s just say this, if a bank negotiator does not compelled enough that the seller(s) is truly in a “hardship” situation then that negotiator could possible be swayed in stopping or asking for additional documentation or explanations just from the hardship letter.  Is this true? 100% without a frickin’ doubt!

The “banks” are basically looking for five solid key components in a hardship letter, see below:

  1. What was the exact problem(s) for the late payments?
  2. Has the problem(s) been fixed or is it permanent? (note – must be permanent)
  3. Mention any type of attempts for a workout plan, loan modification, etc.
  4. Possible a bankruptcy consideration
  5. Can the seller(s) borrow money? i.e. credit card advances, a family loan, early retirement withdraw, etc.

Does the above make any sense for the hardship letter?  I want to make sure you’re still with me here.

Please see the below example of what I instruct seller(s) to use when putting together a hardship letter.  I encourage you to print this off if you wish and use some of the key words.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that it brought you some great educational content.

You have a question?  Leave a comment below.  I will respond to you.


Jason Lucchesi
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